Graced Gazelles
Swift bodies = Sound minds
Graced Gazelles will strive to meet the physical developmental needs of all children from infancy to the age of 18. From crawling to running, balancing or coordination, we have what you need to get your child up to speed, in a fun and funky way while we skip, jump and play.
We can also assist with Sports Conditioning, Nutritional advice or Exercise for children with Special Needs including Autism, ADHD etc.
When children exercise the amount and mix of chemicals in their brain change causing dopamine levels to increase. This chemical is involved with attention. This, off course, is of great benefit for those with ADHD.
According to recent studies, it is also suggested that 20min of vigorous activity, 3-4 days per week in a child with Autism, could have numerous benefits including : Reduction of Stereotypic Behavior, Improvement of Social skills, Establishing a routine, Promotion of Weight loss and Improvement of Attention.
Apart from all the known and mentioned benefits of exercise, studies suggest that children with better cardiac endurance also have better mental and spiritual endurance. Therefore the slogan : Swift bodies = Sound minds
How it works :
* A coach will come to your school once a week, on a chosen day, for a 30min session.
* I do believe that those with Autism will benefit from more sessions that forms part of a daily routine. If you should chose to go with such an option we do have a special package for you.
* For those choosing the Sports Conditioning option, classes could be run individually after hours or in teams during school hours if the school agrees.
* Classes will be presented according to age group e.g.
1-2, 3-4, 5-6 etc.
* Nutritional advise can be offered to schools or individuals
Fee structure :
Once off registration fee that includes a Graced Gazelles T-shirt @ R120 / individual
Normal packages incuding a 30min session per week @ R100 / individual
Special packages including 3 x 30 min sessions per week @ R200 / individual
Sports Conditioning packages including 2 x 30 min session per week @ R150 / individual or R1200 / team
Nutritional advise including example of a healthy eating plan according to dietary needs @ R200 / individual or R1500 / School
Though the cherry trees don’t blossom and the strawberries don’t ripen, Though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, Though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty, I’m singing joyful praise to God . I’m turning cartwheels of joy to my Savior God. Counting on God ’s Rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength. I run like a deer. I feel like I’m king of the mountain!
Habakkuk 3:17-19 MSG
Contact a coach for more info or for a demo:
EliZbe Buys
073 428 3617
Download Registration Form
Meet the Coach